Insert combo box excel
Insert combo box excel

insert combo box excel

For this, we need to have three helper columns.

insert combo box excel

read more to filter the data as we type the city name in the combo box. There are hundreds of inbuilt formula like AVERAGE, SUM and a proper way of writing it to apply it. Step 12: Now, we need to write formulas Write Formulas Write Formula in excel refers to different formulas written in MS excel to imply a function or calculation to the selected cell or range of cells, rows and columns.In fact, we can type the name inside the combo box, and the same will reflect inlined cell D2 as well. Step 11: Now, from the combo box, we can see city names in the drop-down list in excel Drop-down List In Excel A drop-down list in excel is a pre-defined list of inputs that allows users to select an option.Step 10: We are done with the properties part of “Combo Box.” Go to the “ Developer” tab and unselect the “ Design” mode option of “Combo Box.”.Step 9: For the “ Match Entry” property, choose 2-fmMatchEntryNone because as you type the name in the combo box, it will not auto-complete the sentence.Step 8: For the “ List Fill Range,” property gives the name given to a unique list of “Cities.”.For the property, “ Linked Cell” gives a link to the cell D2. Step 7: We have several properties here.Step 6: This will open up properties options like the below one.Step 5: Right-click on this “Combo Box” and choose the “ Properties” option.Step 4: Draw this “ Combo” box on your worksheet where the data is more, and from the insert, box inserts “ Combo Box.” This tab is disabled by default on excel thus, the user needs to enable it first from the options menu.

insert combo box excel

  • Step 3: Go to the Developer tab in excel Developer Tab In Excel Enabling the developer tab in excel can help the user perform various functions for VBA, Macros and Add-ins like importing and exporting XML, designing forms, etc.
  • Step 2: For this unique list of cities, give a name as “ CityList.”.
  • Step 1: First, create a unique list of “ City” names by removing duplicates in a new worksheet.

    You can download the workbook and follow along with us to create it on your own.įollow the below steps to create a dynamic search box in excel. You can download this Search Box Excel Template here – Search Box Excel Template

    Insert combo box excel